stools in a horse or pony, if they are infrequent, are usually due to stress or nervousness.
Loose or 'squittery' droppings often occur when a horse is asked to do something that causes it anxiety such as being loaded into a trailer or anticipation when being prepared for travelling to a horse show.
However loose stools in a horse can also be caused by factors other than anxiety or stress:
If the loose stools are not related to the horse becoming nervous and are occuring every day then you will need to call your vet who will give a proper diagnosis and recommend appropriate treatment.
The vet will give advice on medicine and how to treat the horse for diarrhea.
If the problem is due to stress or anxiety try giving you horse a magnesium calmer or add calming herbs to his feed.
Adding equine probiotics to your horse's feed will help to maintain a healthy gut and lessen the chances that he will suffer from diarrhea.
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Loose stools in horses, treatment, medicine, treat causes of diarrhea in a horse or pony