A lungeing cavesson
is designed on the lines of a head collar, but the noseband is adjustable
and the front section strengthened with a padded metal bridge shaped to
fit the horse’s nose.
When a lunge cavesson is correctly adjusted to fit a horse or pony it fits the muzzle snugly and its position does not alter even if the horse fights against it.
On the front of the noseband of the lunge cavesson there is a ring to take the lunge rein.
There are also a rings on either side of the noseband to take side-reins, if required.
Some lunge cavessons have a second strap lower than a throatlatch which is fastened fairly tightly to help prevent the cavesson moving around on the horse's head and pulling the cheek pieces across the horses eye.
Two of the most popular lunge cavessons for lungeing horses are the Wels and the Orssich.
The Wels Cavesson is suitable for ponies and light horses that have been well handled prior to breaking.
The Orssich is a much heavier lungeing cavesson, it is designed to give control over larger or more powerful horses or for horses that are difficult to lunge.
Lunge Cavessons are available to buy in leather or nylon webbing and can be found for sale in most good tack shops or online.
A lunge cavesson is a necessity when training a young horse or pony , or exercising an older horse
An ordinary headcollar is unsuitable for lungeing or breaking in a young horse because the noseband is loose. This allows the horse to swing his head in any direction. If a horse is being lunged in a headcollar and it decides to run away from you, you will not be able to hold onto it.
Some trainers prefer to lunge a horse or pony in a bridle, with the lunge rein attached to the bit.
This is not generally recommended as in inexperienced hands it can pull on the horses mouth and make it hard mouthed.
When fitting a lunge cavesson make sure that the straps all done up snugly, but not very tightly.
The straps on a lunge cavesson should not pinch the horse's skin or cause it any discomfort, but be done up tightly enough to prevent the cavesson twisting across the horse's face and eyes while it is being lunged.
Lungeing Cavesson - Advice about fitting and using a Cavesson to Lunge a Horse or pony